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Energy Alchymie Happiness

Yoga Collection

Yoga Collection

Regular price $158.00 USD
Regular price $186.00 USD Sale price $158.00 USD
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Yoga is a way of reconnecting us with the Divine current via the breath and asanas (yoga postures). The yogic poses when done properly can release tension from the muscles to the bones as energy. There is an energy that can be stored in the skeletal system and this energy can be stored like a battery for power and strength. Traditional yoga is designed to restore and increase the life-force energy of the gross vital form, enlivening, regenerating and quickening our journey toward the goal of enlightenment. Many utilise yoga to maintain health and wellbeing through rightful discipline. It is wise
to consider this seriously. 

Clearly it has become a commercial interest to add ‘yoga’ into something someone has invented as an enterprise. There will be all kinds of other yogas and they will be more or less effectual. Yet are all of these forms holding fundamental aspects of what
we might call yoga?

Let this Collection align us to the true spirit of yoga.


Hatha Yoga Wizard
- Kriya Yoga Wizard
- Blue Pearl Current

- Three Finger Duomo Fire In the Central Channel


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How To Use The Energies

The Alchymeic Energies are a powerful support for so many of our daily energy needs. They address everything from psychic clearing, to renewal and restoration. There are some simple recommended daily practices to help you make the most of your Alchymeic Energy. Click here to learn more.