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Energy Alchymie Happiness

The Long And The Short Of it Wand

The Long And The Short Of it Wand

Regular price $55.00 USD
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It is not well known across America that there are long and short black coffees that are the same price. To obtain a ‘long black’ in the ‘land of the free’ if you can get anyone to understand the request, could cost you four times the price of a ‘short black’. Having received our expensive ‘long black’ in America with The Long And The Short Of It Wand, we can transform it from a regular concoction of ‘poisons’, in the very least inducing a diuretic and constipated condition and spaced-out agitation and other deleterious effects, into a delightful, enlivening, rejuvenating tonic, that won’t kill you, even if you have five or six a day. “Drink me!”

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How To Use The Energies

The Alchymeic Energies are a powerful support for so many of our daily energy needs. They address everything from psychic clearing, to renewal and restoration. There are some simple recommended daily practices to help you make the most of your Alchymeic Energy. Click here to learn more.