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Energy Alchymie Happiness

FFA Wand

FFA Wand

Regular price $55.00 USD
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There is a path of Infinite Return, a direct passage to the Divine that is available to all beings to walk now. Along this path there are many doorways and dimensions that one can open and be distracted by or lost in. There are also consequences in opening such spaces and many psychic influences abide there ready to flow forth to obscure our passage.

The FFA Energy was revealed as one of these psychic dimensions of influence was opened. A very aggressive energetic arose, fiercely intended to obstruct our direct passage to the Light. This Wand is therefore given to help release us from the endless opening of these dimensions and to help us remain one pointed on the passage of Awakening before us. We need simply to keep our attention on the Divine and walk forward, not distracted to the left or the right. So be it!

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How To Use The Energies

The Alchymeic Energies are a powerful support for so many of our daily energy needs. They address everything from psychic clearing, to renewal and restoration. There are some simple recommended daily practices to help you make the most of your Alchymeic Energy. Click here to learn more.