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Energy Alchymie Happiness

Angel of Purpose Wand

Angel of Purpose Wand

Regular price $55.00 USD
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The intention held within the Alchymie of this invocation is to allow our actions to be purposed. In quoting Anthony Williams "to be used when one is lost and lacking in confidence".

In the Vision: In combining with this current, literally I was given a felt acceleration of forward movement. There was an uncompromising reassurance and a felt unplugging of the dross. For us within the Alchymie, this is the disposition of allowing our attention to constantly move forward and upward, and not be distracted by the dross of this place, or our own old patterning. Therefore this Angel appears as a current to help us in our real Hermetic Process, to stay one- pointed and committed

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How To Use The Energies

The Alchymeic Energies are a powerful support for so many of our daily energy needs. They address everything from psychic clearing, to renewal and restoration. There are some simple recommended daily practices to help you make the most of your Alchymeic Energy. Click here to learn more.