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Essene Temple House

Essene Temple House

Regular price $17,500.00 AUD
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From the Essene Book of Revelations:
“I have reached the Inner Vision
and through thy Spirit in Me
I have heard thy Wondrous Secret
Through this Mystic Insight
Though hast caused a Spring of Knowledge

To well up within me

A fountain of power, purifying forth living waters
A flood of Love and all embracing Wisdom
Like the Splendid of Eternal Light”

The Essene Temple House holds a Current of Light and Wisdom: Eternal Gnosis. Its steps are the invitation of the awakening to know again our true Heart’s Remembrance, reawakening Eternal Wisdom of the Infinite Path of Return. As the walls and floors ring with the Wonder of Reawakening whole bodily to the Divine Current via the Breath that allows us to tingle all over with the Release of Mortal Identification. Its Holy Chamber allows us to feel the Passage that exists beyond time and space, where we can touch the Mystery of unknowability and swoon in the Infinite Divine, dissolved forever in the Current of Love-Bliss. 

Welcome To The New Threshold - A Message From the Philosopher’s Stone
“This period of time within the traditions is noted as the end of the karma, the end of the age of darkness, and the beginning of the age of Light. This is the great transitional passage of resolution of all the baggage and patterning of lifetimes, and of allowing our attention to move from the inward coil of self-protection, to the Infinite coil of Divine Reflection. This is the time that we may truly go through a conversion ‘whole-bodily’ and allow the ‘Temple Of Man’ to be a literal manifestation – the process of whole-body enlightenment. Within the Alchymie, ‘As Above, So Below’ means the literal awakening and realised manifestation of Divine Light whole-bodily. It is an overwhelming current that floods through our archaeological sites and allows us at last to be relieved and released from all that has bound us. It allows us to remember how this Eternal Current can flood our forms with an overwhelming gnosis that we are Divinely Purposed – that we are already profoundly loved, forgiven and restored in Eternal Wonder. The passage of the Essenes is coincident with this time of great transition. These Esoteric Energy Workers, who existed prior to and heralded the birth of Christ Consciousness, lived for many hundreds of years working within the cauldrons, the inner chambers of the
Great Pyramids. They kept the sacred mystery schools of Alchymeic existence alive. Their final lineage and living expression lasted until the age of darkness saw the overwhelm of the Cathars in the South of France through the Inquisitions. This history resounds through time as the great ache and wound of the Heart. It was a time of the murder of the Heart. Now is the time for all of those great lineages to be re-
awakened – for those nadis to be rediscovered, reignited  within the Esoteric School Of Higher Learning. This is the time of the awakening to the ‘crux’ and ‘key’ of all
that is locked within the DNA of our own gnosis. May this time of Conscious Awakening be a shape shifting. May the Heart Of Love be restored. May there yet be time to release the burden of all the unlove that these ages have accumulated. May at last the Heart Of Love Win out! May it be so.”

Showme Showers Heaven’s Bliss – The Philosopher’s Stone and co-founder of the Alchymie

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