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Energy Alchymie Happiness

The Vital Exercise Collection

The Vital Exercise Collection

Regular price $298.00 NZD
Regular price $405.00 NZD Sale price $298.00 NZD
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The Energies in the Vital Exercise Collection are designed to inspire an awakening in consciousness around exercise; the daily requirement of some gentle movement and the stimulation of a true relationship to exercise that is not obsessive. We must remain strong for our loved ones, so conscious exercise is also a matter of love. We must also discover a greater relationship to vital exercise so that we can be a true participant in life and continue with the ultimate process of evolutionary development.

It is never too late to begin exercise and a healthy lifestyle. The old adage “use it or lose it” would seem to apply here. The physical form does not exist by its own power (it is a vegetative function). It is lived by the universal life-energy that lives and breaths all other things and beings. Therefore it requires consciousness and practice to ‘conduct’ this energy to all areas of the form. In this way, we allow more and more life-force current to pass through our form.

Breath is about our capacity to let life in (inhale), and eliminate all that ‘is’ (exhale). Anything less than this causes congestion. The breath reveals our dependent nature on that which is beyond and greater than us - the Infinite Divine. When we are alive in true conductivity of the life-force via the breath, every ‘in’ breath invites the descending life-force down the front of the body and when we breathe ‘out’, this current moves up the spinal column and releases above, back into the Divine. 

Balanced exercise is essential for establishing this flow of current through the gross-vital form. Exercise that doesn’t further stress the body is most useful – swimming, walking, yoga, calisthenics etc. Conscious exercise naturally realigns and integrates the physical body with the etheric, or energy body and the universal life-force.

* Engage the Discs and Wands before and during exercise.


- Calisthenics Wizard
- Extending The Ki
- 3 Litres Clear

- The Elephant and The Bright Rider
- Mighty Atom
- Popeye’s Spinach

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How To Use The Energies

The Alchymeic Energies are a powerful support for so many of our daily energy needs. They address everything from psychic clearing, to renewal and restoration. There are some simple recommended daily practices to help you make the most of your Alchymeic Energy. Click here to learn more.