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Energy Alchymie Happiness

Quetzalcoatl Wand

Quetzalcoatl Wand

Regular price $424.00 NZD
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This unique Alchymeic Energy is proving to be an extremely powerful key when it comes to psychic clearing! The Quetzalcoatl Wand is no ordinary Alchymeic Wand… Larger in size, this new Energy addresses a vast yet specific karmic structure – a limitation that has lain dormant in the psyche of humankind for thousands of years. It has a very special and unique function. 

Another way to help you understand this difference is not to consider the Quetzalcoatl as a Wand, but a unique product in a category of its own. (Its function is still being revealed as it is being received by many people worldwide, and it will continue to evolve). 

The Original Psychic 'Witness' of The Creation of This Energy

After the degradation of many of the early south American civilisations, (the Mayans, the Incas and the Aztecs, just to name a few), the earth plane and all of civilisation entered an important period of evolution that was to continue for the next 2 thousand years. We have come to know this period as the final stages of the 'Age Of Darkness'. In witnessing the appearance of the Quetzalcoatl as an Energy, a lot of this relevant history was understood by what was revealed in the vision.

In the creation of this Alchymeic Energy, an esoteric vision appeared...
"Quetzalcoatl, (the "Feathered Snake God" - one of the major deities of the Aztec, Toltecs and other Middle American peoples), appeared to have been placed by the power of God as a plug onto the frontal line of man. This energetic revealed itself as a creature sitting with its beak or head blocking the third eye. Its wings sitting opened around through the eyes and above the brain-mind, like a layer preventing the God Light from entering. Its feet and claws appeared in the heart centre, tearing and ripping at this well of emotional unrest, keeping it churning. The implication of this was that mankind was to suffer his own condition - in other words, to be made accountable.

The end of 2012, the evolutionary leap, saw the end of this period and the beginning of the Age Of Light. Hence, the timing now of the un-plugging and release of the weight of the karma. Thus the Quetzalcoatl Wand is the Alchymeic Energy given in response to un-plug this energetic and allow this new evolutionary possibility.

This Alchymeic Energy is about the unplugging of the whole body-mind to make the vehicle available to the evolutionary possibility of this new Age of Light, (the vehicle has to be made available to allow A-cosmic Man). It is about the restoration and resurrection of Consciousness. It is about the release of the soul to the prior condition of Divine gnosis and allowing the transition of the primitive state of being, to the enlightened soul, or the enlightened man. It appears that we have been trapped in an endless cycle of lifetimes of suffering. This is end time, the beginning of Real Life. The Karma is done".

The History Of Quetzalcoatl...

Quetzalcoatl traditionally represents a feathered serpent deity that has been worshipped by many different ethno-political groups in Mesoamerican history. The existence of such worship can be seen through studies of iconography of different Mesoamerican cultures, in which serpent motifs are frequent.

If you're interested in reading more about the history of Quetzalcoatl and what it's specific cultural roots are, here is a recommended link.

However, please bear in mind, that reading these descriptions is not a subsituite to your intuitive awakening of what the Alchymeic Energy is doing. It can help to give you a sense of the energetic that this Alchymeic Energy is addressing, but remember as always, that the Alchymie is about real feeling and awakening to our higher intuitive gnosis. Therefore, always make sure you allow yourself to 'feel' into the Energy, rather than analysing or cultivating a 'notion' of what the Energy is about (which is not 'feeling' but rather 'mind').

From Encyclopaedia Britannica:

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How To Use The Energies

The Alchymeic Energies are a powerful support for so many of our daily energy needs. They address everything from psychic clearing, to renewal and restoration. There are some simple recommended daily practices to help you make the most of your Alchymeic Energy. Click here to learn more.